Wake up to Weekend Adventure.
Dullstroom really does have it all when it comes to mountain biking.
Our region boasts hundreds of kilometers of breathtaking all-weather trails, exhilarating downhill tracks, thrilling freeride spots, and rugged natural paths. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, Dullstroom offers something for every mountain biker.
Mountain biking isn’t just for adrenaline junkies – it’s a sport for everyone. Explore some of our most popular local trails below.
Click to download the full MTB guide (8.2mb). This file contains all 9 routes with detailed maps.
Easy Routes:
1. Dunkeld Blue. 15km
2. Railway Track. 16km
Medium Routes:
3. De Berg & back. 42km
4. Kruisfontein Loop. 43km
5. Tonteldoos & back. 46km
6. Santa Loop. 48km
Hard Routes:
7. Tonteldoos Loop. 75km
8. Laersdrift. 80km
9. Machadodorp Tower (60km), or continue pass Kwena Dam (90km)

Start in Dullstroom and head out on the Tonteldoos road. Turn in at Dunkeld Estate. Mountain biking is free in the estate if using your own bike, or you could hire bikes if you did not bring your own. Enquire at reception about prices. The trails encompass numerous bridges and streams stretching over vast areas of prime country side on single track paths.
Please adhere to Dunkeld Estate Rules if you are using their premises. Further enquiries you can contact their reception: 078 293 1403. 010 300 8749, or reception@dunkeldestate.co.za

Start in Dullstroom and head for the Dullstroom Dam/Caravan Park.
Turn left just before the caravan park entrance, up the hill, turn right just before the railway track and follow the jeep track next to the railway line.
Ride along next to the railway track on a jeep track past rolling hills and valleys, cross over the De Berg rd and continue up to as far as Santa Farm, which is just after Walkersons Country Estate.
The return trip is along the same route.

Up to 42 km of predominantly dirt road with about 8km of jeep track.
Start in Dullstroom head for the Dullstroom Dam/Caravan Park, turn left just before the caravan park entrance, up the hill, turn right just before the railway track and follow jeep track next to the railway line to the De Berg road. Turn left onto De Berg rd & decide how far you want to go before turning round and returning to follow the jeep track back into Dullstroom. This route will take you past the Dullstroom Nature Reserve along the De Berg rd, which is lined by stunning farms and endless vistas of pristine Sub-alpine grasslands. Just before ascending a steep hill you will cross the Lynsklip River, a few dams on your right and, as you climb the hill, pass Veloren Valei on your left.
Keep an eye out for Blue & Crowned Crane, Baldheaded Ibis and a variety of Raptors. There is a Quartz Crystal pit just before you reach the top of the hill on your left. As you descend down the other side of the climb you will pass a wetland area, in Veloren Valei that is home to a variety of rare endemic ground orchids.

43 km in total predominantly on dirt road with 5km of tar included. This route can be done clockwise (Hardcore) or anti-clockwise (Wannabe). The Hardcore option starts in Dullstroom, heads out on the Belfast road, turns left @ Birds of Prey Centre onto the Kruisfontein rd, continue down the Kruisfontein road passing private trout syndicates and 3 Estate developments before turning left @ aprox 23 km @ the Morgonzon sign – at this point you dropped from 2050m in Dullstroom to 1750m. From hear you climb for 10 km up the escarpment past Wickhams Country Retreat (remember to look back and enjoy stunning views over the escarpment and down into the Kwena Basin at the top of the Wickhams climb), the ride eases o after the Wickhams climb (be warned this is a serious climb) with a few more climbs and drops for about 9 km before reaching the Lydenburg rd, turn left onto the tar back to Dullstroom.
The Wannabe route is done in the opposite direction and is easier but has the same amount of total climb. Be careful of the Wickhams decent. It is very steep and very rocky.

Get ready to climb on this dirt track that will take you over the provincial border and into Limpopo. The trail has very little tra c and is very safe.
From Dullstroom Accommodation, head out to the Tonteldoos road. Shortly after Dunkeld, you will hit gravel road. Keep on the Tonteldoos road.
You will climb up to 2150m soon after leaving town. There are various climbs and drops from 2150 meters to 1800 meters above sea level. Turn around in Tonteldoos, and head back the same way you came.

Approximately 48 km on predominantly dirt road with long stretches next to the railway track.
From Dullstroom Accommodation: head down Naledi drive, direction Lydenburg. Ride out on the R540 for approximately 3.2km, and turn right onto the Kruisfontein Rd. (Check for signage Wickhams Estate and Hamils Lodge). Follow this dirt road for approx. 12.6km, but be careful of the descent – it’s very steep and very rocky.
Turn left at the T-junction and you will cross over the Lunksklip River. Follow this stretch for approximately 7.6km until you get to the railway track.
Turn left at the railway track onto the Jeep tracks next to the railway line. You will follow this stretch for approximately 10km until you get back to the R540.
Cross over the R540 keeping next to the railway tracks and head back into town while keeping on the Jeep tracks next to the railway tracks.

Approximately 75 km in total, predominantly dirt road plus a portion of tar.
From Dullstroom Accommodation: head down Naledi drive, direction Lydenburg. Turn left onto Idube (Mare) St. Turn left onto Blue Crane drive, and cross over the railway tracks. Turn right onto Bosman Street. You’re now at approx. 2050m (above sealevel). You will pass Sakhelwe and then go past Dunkeld Estate and then you will hit the dirt road.
Head out on the Tonteldoos road climbing to 2150m. Descend to Tonteldoos (1800m).
Go through Tonteldoos and continue round on the Roossenekal / Lydenburg / Stofberg – tar Rd.
Climb to 2256 m before turning right onto the De Berg – Nederhorst – dirt Rd.
At this point you are close to the highest point –De Berg – on the Steenkampsberg – the highest point in the old Transvaal Province @ 2331m and the highest tar road in South Africa @ 2256m (extremely good chance of snow in winter after cold fronts have hit).
From here you ride along a stunning ridge @ 2200m with breathtaking views to your left and right before descending as you pass Verloren Valley (declared a Ramsa Site), down the pass, along the De Berg Rd.
You will ride past magnifcent farms with a final fast decent to the Lydenburg road.
Turn right just before crossing the railway line and ride along next to the railway line on the Jeep track. This route can be done either way. Not for the unfit!

From Dullstroom Accommodation: head down Naledi drive, direction Lydenburg. Turn left onto Idube (Mare) St. Turn left onto Blue Crane drive, and cross over the railway tracks. Turn right onto Bosman Street. You’re now at approx. 2050m (above sealevel). You will pass Sakhelwe and then go past Dunkeld Estate and then you will hit the dirt road.
Continue on the Tonteldoos Rd. After approx. 15 km from your starting point, you turn left onto the Stofberg Rd. towards Laersdrift.
You carry on this stretch for approximately 18.5km until you reach the R555.
Turn right onto the R555 and continue for approximately 5.5km where you turn right onto a
dirt road. This stretch is around 7km, whereafter you will get to a T-junction.
Turn right at the T-junction onto the Laersdrift Rd. Make your way back towards Tonteldoos for about 12.5km where you will join up again with the Tonteldoos road.
Turn right onto the Tonteldoos road and ride back to Dullstroom – approximately 21.5km.

Machado Tower : 60km
Pass Kwena Dam : 90km
Start at Dullstroom Accommodation and head out in the direction of Belfast. Turn left at the Bird of Prey Centre onto the Kruisfontein Rd. Continue down the Kruisfontein Rd. and at approximately 10km from the start of your journey you will find a turnoff to the right for Valley Spruit.
Turn onto the dirt road and continue for approximately 7km until you get to the Machadodorp road.
Turn left onto the Machadodorp dirt road and ride for around 8km until you get to the Goedewil Rd. Turn left onto the Elandsfontein/Goedewil Rd. and continue for 7km.
You snake up the Wilgekraal pass road for 22km till you get to the R36. Turn left onto the R36 Ride 45km passing Kwena dam on your right. Turn left onto the Coromandel Road and continue for another 6km to Coromandel.
Unless you are part superhero, by this time you will be so exhausted, and your bum so sore from riding 90km’s on a dirtroad on your mountain bike’s saddle, you might as well walk the next gay parade – so get your friends to pick you up at Coromandel with some good whiskey and a cushion for your tushy!